E-filing with Form2290.net is the fastest, most secure, and error-free way to complete your Form 2290 with no manual tax calculations needed.

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What is Form 2290?

HVUT Form 2290 is used by those who operate heavy vehicles to report their use of public highways during the truck tax period. The taxes collected from drivers who file Form 2290 are used to build, maintain, and repair public highways.

Who Needs to File IRS Form 2290?

Basically, you need to file your form if your vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Regardless of what purpose your heavy vehicle is designed for, you must file your form by the deadline to receive your 2290 Stamped Schedule 1. You are required to E-file Form 2290 if your vehicle qualifies as a heavy motor vehicle and you have more than 24 vehicles to report.

When Do You Need to File Form 2290?

The truck tax period begins on July 1 and ends on June 30, but your IRS Form 2290 is due based on your first use month. You must file by the last day of the month following your first use month.

How Are You Taxed By IRS Form 2290?

When you file Form 2290 you only pay based on the first used month for the period. You will not pay truck taxes for any month that your vehicle was not on the road. Also, while filing IRS Form 2290, if your vehicle has a higher registered gross weight, the more amount of taxes you owe. This is because heavier vehicles do more damage.

Who is Exempt From HVUT Form 2290?

There are a few people exempt from having to File Form 2290. For example, the federal government isn’t subject to truck taxes and are not required to have a Stamped Schedule 1. Also, mobile machinery used for no transportation purposes and blood collector vehicles are exempt from HVUT.